Well..hey y’all!!

Hey y’all. Huge apologies for my lack of posts. I blame it all on that very familiar phenomenon, that when you go back to work after a disabling accident? Everyday life  ramps up full throttle, and there are very few moments in the day when you can take a quiet moment and *post*…as much as you’d love to.  (Whyyyy didn’t I study writing???  It would have been so much…..better.) Imagine being paid to do something you love…what a concept.

I was returned to work on June the  First, full-time, and… hooo boy..it’s been quite the journey. I plunged in, head first, and all my resolutions to ‘do things differently from now on’ have been challenged to the max.

I had had three months during my recuperation to review the quality of my life, and my lifestyle. For example,   I swore I would take lunch breaks, regardless of the workload. I would stop and smell the proverbial roses , and not feel guilty about it. Haha. Reality sometimes trumps one’s utopian, gentle, and healthy resolutions.

I go to PT once a week, and every evening I devote 45 minutes to doing my knee rehab exercises. I had to laugh today…both the OT and the PTs at work complemented me on my ‘beautiful  gait’  …They were all..”we were watching you walking down the hall, and omg you’re doing so great after such a horrible injury!” Thanks T and M and B. Also who knew one’s gait could be ‘beautiful’?  I *did* get a giggle out of that one. I guess working hard at recovery and trying to get my knee  back to a more functional status is paying off.

The pain unfortunately is real and I’m sad to say this might be my new normal. Ugh. Let’s just say Motrin and Tylenol are my new best friends…am so grateful for pharmacological interventions.

People are warning me that the knee may play up in cold or wet weather. Great. Now I’m feeling about 92 years old!

Meh. It’s all good though. I’m alive, I’m healthy, and there are many worse things than sore knees.

You guys..have a great weekend..more soon. xxx


One thought on “Well..hey y’all!!”

  1. I was gonna ask you where the next post was 😊 i bet your knee will continue to improve, and when you come to the mainland just get some cozy over-the-knee leg warmers or socks to wear over jeans – cuteness!


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